
In Mexico HLB, SC, with address at Av. Patriotismo number 229-9B, Colonia San Pedro de los Pinos, Alcaldía Benito Juárez, CP 03800, in Mexico City the processing of your personal data is of vital importance to us.

This notice is intended to inform you about the treatment that Mexico HLB, SC will give to your personal collected data, in accordance with the provisions established by the Federal Law of Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties.

Some of the personal data and / or sensitive personal data provided to México HLB, SC, may be:

    1. Identification data such as: Full name, personal address, home or cell phone number, email, CURP, date of birth, age, nationality, photograph, country of residence, social security number, military service card.


    1. Work data such as: Position, work address, email assigned by the company, telephone and fax of the work, letters of recommendation, corporate contract and name of the employer, among others.


    1. Education data such as: Educational level, professional degree obtained, professional identification number, specialty, types of professional practice or certificates of studies.


    1. Health data such as: Health status, medical history, diseases or conditions.


  1. Bank and billing information such as: Account number, INTERBANK CLABE, tax ID

For Mexico HLB, SC one of the main aspects of relevance regarding privacy and personal data is related to minors, so Mexico HLB, SC does not obtain, use, disclose or store information related to minors , without the due prior consent of their parents or guardians, which is why in case they were considered feasible and were provided without the consent of these persons, said data may be requested for due cancellation, by the means indicated above.

It is to inform the people who deliver their data to Mexico HLB, SC, both personal and sensitive personal, that they may be used for various purposes, depending on the particular case for which they are provided or collected, only to the business in question, always in accordance with this Privacy Notice and the Legal Provisions that govern them.

Your personal data and / or sensitive personal data may be treated to meet the following necessary purposes mentioned below, according to various needs such as:

1.- If you visit our facilities to:

o Control access to them.

o Maintain the confidentiality of information owned by México HLB, S.C., as well as the security within our facilities.

2.- If you are a client for:

o fulfills with obligations derived from a legal relationship that you have or could have.

o Enforce and / or execute a contract, if applicable.

o Prepare any type of reports for the authorities that require it.

o Carry out inspections by authorities, internal, external audits and by authorities.

There are cases of exception, when personal data is obtained from natural persons in their capacity as merchants and professionals, for example, from a supplier.

Likewise, your personal data and / or sensitive personal data may be processed for certain secondary and voluntary purposes, for which your prior consent will be required.

  1. A) If you are a customer or potential customer for:

o Send you communications for promotional purposes, or if necessary, make your knowledge new products that could be of your importance.

o Conduct surveys regarding the service provided by México HLB, S.C.

o Perform proper follow-up on sales in order to achieve customer satisfaction, customer service.

  1. B) If you are a user of our websites to:

o Register it and send you information that you request or information from México HLB, S.C., which we consider may be of interest, answer your questions or comments.

o Register it to receive information of interest from México HLB, S.C. or of a particular subject.

  1. C) If you decide to contact us to send your resume as a possible candidate to work with us, your information will be used to:

o Contact you if your profile is of interest to México HLB, S.C. and participate for a vacancy.

o Carry out evaluations for contracting.

o When authorized, to carry out the exchange of curriculum with other companies in the sector.

Your personal data will be treated only for the necessary time in order to comply with the purposes described in this Privacy Notice or in the one made available to you.

It is to inform users that our websites may contain, for your convenience, links to other websites that do not belong to México HLB, S.C. properly, which have not been reviewed regarding the Privacy Policies or Privacy Notices of said websites, so México HLB, S.C. does not guarantee, nor is it responsible for the content of said links, or the processing of personal data that they carry out, which is why we encourage you to carefully read the Privacy Policy and Notices of each of the sites that could be linked from our websites.

México HLB, S.C. has implemented and maintains the security, technical, administrative and physical measures necessary to protect your personal data and prevent its damage, loss, alteration, destruction or the use, access or treatment not authorized by the owner.

We do not make transfers of your personal data to third parties.

The holder of personal data, it means, the natural person to whom the personal and / or sensitive personal information refers, can exercise the rights of Access, Rectification, Cancellation and Opposition (“ARCO” rights) with respect to their personal data. Likewise, said owner may limit the use or disclosure of your personal data and revoke the consent you have granted for the processing of your personal data, provided that the treatment is not a necessary treatment or that results from a legal relationship.

For any questions related to the exercise of your ARCO rights or the interpretation of this policy, do not hesitate to contact our personal data officer Hatziri Vieyra Olvera at (0155) 5531-1440, email: mx. The exercise of the rights provided for in the Law may be carried out by sending your request, under the terms established by the Law and its Regulations, to the following address Av. Patriotismo number 229-9B, Colonia San Pedro de los Pinos, City Hall Benito Juárez, CP 03800, in Mexico City, or email, or call (0155) 5531-1440. México HLB, S.C. reserves the right to amend or modify this Privacy Notice or the one it has made available to it, as and when it deems appropriate, for example, to comply with changes to the legislation or to comply with internal provisions of the company. Mexico HLB, S

Last update: September 28, 2023.