
Tax Services

Tax Services

In terms of tax services, the member firms of Mexico HLB require clients to precisely comply with current laws. Consequently, they are recommended to make the most of the advantages and options that they offer and when the tax provisions allow various alternatives, they are technically supported in the decisions that best favor their interests.

The main services provided in this area are the following:

  • Participation in pre-tax closings of companies to schedule tax impacts and make timely decisions
  • Calculation of the different formulas for the determination of taxes that emanate from our tax and social security laws
  • Review of internal control of companies in tax matters
  • Preparation and presentation of applications, notices and technical management of tax matters and of social security before the competent authorities
  • Comprehensive business opening services before the different tax and social security authorities
  • Advice on solving tax and social security problems
  • Preparation and supervision of tax returns
  • Preparation of bulletins and comments on tax news
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